THL Client: Amber, L.P.

Industry: Electrical and Instrumentation
Service Market: Houston, Texas
THL Service: Website Design & Development

Amber, L.P.’s primary goal was to develop into a highly specialized industrial instrument and electrical contractor to serve the Gulf Coast market on an open shop basis.

Our Work
We were introduced to the owners of Amber, L.P. as a referral from another THL client: Horn & Associates. Amber L.P. wanted to update their brand with a priority of updating their website. We designed a website that was not only visually appealing, but also clearly outlined their services and work. The website also increases efficiency with a careers page and job application forms to manage the intake of potential employees.

Featured Page: Past Projects
The “Past Projects” page on the website displays a who’s who in the oil and gas industry. A thin-spaced collage shows the beauty of refineries around the country with different color schemes and amber lighting.

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Team Hiploch

Team Hiploch

Founded in 2003, Team Hiploch is a creative agency with our pulse on the climate of small business. By applying our process, our principals and our core services, THL works diligently to ensure our clients stay in business.