Million Dollar Cleaners Exterior Branding

Business Name: Million Dollar Cleaners
Location: Houston, TX
Service: Digital Layover

Million Dollar Cleaners is a long standing, dry cleaning business in Houston, TX. After a referral from another THL client, Million Dollar Cleaners contacted us about reviving their business. With no standard logo or color palette, and an outdated location, we were able to provide a host of services. We provided them with a cost effective exterior brand that brought vibrant energy to their business.






THL takes a picture of your location and creates a branding design that allows you to plan color schemes, signage placement, seating and operational flow prior to investing capital.

Your business interior and exterior determines the customer’s perception from the moment they view your location, to the moment they walk through your door. When done properly a business’ interior and exterior design should unite your brand with your operational flow. Prices starting as low as $125.

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    Digital Layover of the Week, Million Dollar Cleaners, Team Hiploch, Creative Agency, Marketing Agency, Creative Marketing Agency, Restaurant Marketing

    Team Hiploch

    Team Hiploch

    Founded in 2003, Team Hiploch is a creative agency with our pulse on the climate of small business. By applying our process, our principals and our core services, THL works diligently to ensure our clients stay in business.