Top Recruitment Best Practices for 2019
Employees are the lifeblood of any company, which means finding the best talent is critical to your organization’s continued success. As we wrap up Q1 of 2019, it’s wise to ensure your organization is following the latest top trends in recruitment best practices. This expert guide will help revolutionize your recruiting practices through 2019 and beyond so that your competitors don’t leave you behind.
Recruitment is an ever-evolving process. As people, businesses, and the world change, recruiting practices need to change along with them. Finding suitable candidates can be like trying to hit a moving target: Your audience is always moving on to the latest big thing, so you have to be right there, ready to prove that your company is among the best. Use these latest trends as the basis for a recruitment strategy plan that will lead you along the journey.
2018 Hiring In Review
First, a look back is in order: History can always teach a valuable source of insights into what is to come. Let’s look at what the job market was like in 2018.
The unemployment rate in 2018 ranged between 3.7% and 4.1%, starting at 4.1% in January and dropping to 3.9% in December. It’s worth noting that the unemployment rates for adult men and women increased from May to June, while unemployment rates for teens stayed steady. In October, the economy added 250,000 new jobs. Overall, in 2018, an estimated 62.9% of eligible Americans participated in the job market.
Hiring trends in 2018 included the usage of a variety of interviewing tactics. According to LinkedIn, only 18% of recruiters used video interviews, while 28% utilized innovative virtual reality assessments. Traditional interviewing tools were still in full force, with 59% using soft skills assessments, 54% utilizing job auditions, and 53% taking meetings in a casual setting.
According to a whitepaper published on CV Library, the biggest priorities for organizations in 2018 were, in order from most to least: sourcing candidates directly, building talent pools for the future, investing in automation tools, establishing a strong employer brand, and succession planning.
73% of employers struggled to find relevant candidates in 2018 and the amount of time to fill a role has increased by 50% since 2010. Clearly, there’s room for improvement.
2019 Recruitment Best Practices
As we continue moving into 2019, recruitment best practices take the best of what trended in 2018 and incorporate new approaches, underutilized sources of talent, and new technologies. This can include using classic marketing strategies, placing emphasis on employer branding, taking an inbound approach to recruiting, or utilizing an applicant management system, such as The Applicant Manager. 75% of all recruiters say they use recruiting software; your organization shouldn’t be at risk of being left behind.
Source: The Application Manager
Author: edna Nakamoto
Nakamoto, Edna. “Top Recruitment Best Practices for 2019.” Acquire, 16 Apr. 2019,